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Make your hair shine within a week

The lustrous hair

Who don't  want beautiful hair , we know today's need, specially women need to look beautiful for boosting their confidence and the main thing which change the look of a person is their hair. 
so in today's time it becomes very important to have healthy and beautiful hair which enhance your overall look drastically.
for that definitely we need some important tips and tricks to maintain and take care to our hair.

 So , we are going to tell you those tips which will work definitely. so here we go
  • Cover your hair 
whenever you go outside in sun exposure or in any exposure ,you have to cover up your hair.
  • Don't tie your hair tight
it might leave long lasting strands on your hair, along with that it looses your hair 
roots and can make your scalp itchy
  • Maintain a healthy scalp
a balanced diet ,the food that you consume should be balanced meaning that should have all thevital nutrients that are important for the health of your scalp e.g green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans and so on.. 
  • Use a good shampoo
a good shampoo will be balanced at 5.5 pH, the ideal level for the scalp. A healthy scalp means healthy hair, that is a barometer to your overall health.
    • Dont tie damp hair
    never tie your wet hair , always wait to get them dry and then do combing.

    So these were some tips and tricks by having them in your lifestyle your hair and obviously you will look great and one thing you should  always have in mind."Eat healthy ,stay fit what you are inside that reflects your outside or you".  



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