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Showing posts from July, 2020

Colon Cancer or Bowl Cancer - Colorectal polyps, types, symptoms, causes, cure and treatment.

What is Colorecatal polyps or colon cancer? A colorectal polyp is a small clump of epithelial cells that form a small bump or overgrowth of tissue along the lining of the colon or rectum. The cells lining the colon and rectum are constantly dividing, and typically when there’s an overgrowth of tissue it’s benign, but some can become malignant, meaning that the dividing cells can start invading nearby tissues over time. Types of Colorectal polyps There are various types of colorectal polyps. The most common ones are adenomatous polyps ,also called colonic adenomas. They form when there is a mutation in the adenomatous polypos is coli gene or APC gene, which is a tumor suppressor gene that regulates cell grow. When the APC gene is mutated, the epithelial cells start to quickly divide forming polyps. But even though they are dividing, these polyps only become malignant - meaning they only invade nearby tissues if there are additional mutations in other tumor suppressor genes like the p53

Cancer - 8 Cancer symptoms you are likely to ignore.

Cancer is one of the most deadliest and scariest diseases. Diagnosis is always a huge shock. Yet, many cancers are highly curable when caught early. That’s why it’s very important to be on constant alert for cancer symptoms. Here are the 11 cancer symptoms you should NOT ignore. Pay special attention to the last one, since it can easily be misinterpreted. 1. Persistent fatigue Persistent fatigue can be an important symptom of leukemia and colon or stomach cancers. It may manifest itself differently from everyday fatigue. Cancer-related fatigue often doesn’t go away after a good sleep and lasts longer. Sometimes it is caused by blood loss that’s not obvious. 2. Unexplained weight loss Most people with cancer are likely to lose weight at some point. If you don’t recall any specific reason, like exercising more, or changing diet, a rapid unexplained weight loss can be a dangerous sign. An unexpected weight loss of 10 pounds or more may be one of the first signs of cancer and can be used

Brain Cancer (tumor)- symptoms, types, diagnosis and treatment.

 Adult brain tumors are masses of abnormal cells that generally occur in adults, and result from the uncontrolled growth of those cells within the brain. OK - let’s start with some basic brain anatomy. First off, there’s the cerebral cortex which is the part of the brain that’s supratentorial or above the tentorium, and the cerebellum,which is infra tentorial or below the tentorium.

Blood Cancer ( Leukemia) -its types , causes , symptoms, diagnosis.

Leuk- refers to white blood cells, and -emia refers to the blood, so in leukemia , there’s uncontrolled proliferation of partially developed white blood cells, also called blast cells, which build up in the blood over a short period of time. Although leukemia means cancer white blood cells, it can also be used to refer to cancer of any of the blood cells, including red blood cells and platelets. 

Breast cancer - Causes , signs and symptoms, treatment.

Breast cancer or breast carcinoma is an uncontrolled growth of epithelial cells within the breast It's the second most common cancer in women, but can also on rare occasion affect men as well Breast cancer is also the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women after lung cancer This is largely due to the fact that oftentimes breast cancers. Don't cause any pain or discomfort until they spread to nearby tissues .

Lung Cancer - Causes, Symptoms , Types and Cure.

Lung cancer, or lung carcinoma, is the uncontrolled division of epithelial cells which line the    respiratory tract. There are two main categories of lung cancer,small cell and non-small cell, which depend on the type of epithelial cell that’s dividing. Both types can be fatal, especially if the cancerous cells aggressively spread and establish secondary sites of cancer in other tissues. 

Skin Cancer -types of skin cancer, causes, treatment, symptoms.

Skin cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells within the skin. There are three main types: basal cell carcinoma,squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.  Some skin cancers can spread to other locations in the body and can be fatal, as seen with singer-songwriter Bob Marley, who died shortly after being diagnosed with melanoma.  The skin is divided into three layers--the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. The hypodermis is made of fat and connective tissue that anchors the skin to the underlying muscle. Just above is the dermis, which contains hair follicles, nerves and blood vessels. And just above that, the outermost layer of skin, is the epidermis. The epidermis itself has multiple cell layers that are mostly keratin ocytes - which are named for the keratin protein that they’refilled with. Keratin is a strong, fibrous protein that allows keratinocytes to protect themselves from getting destroyed, when you rub your hands through the sand at the beach. Keratinocytes start their life at

Fatty liver disease, cirrhosis - causes, symptoms and cure .

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a condition in which the accumulation of excess fat in the liver, not due to excessive alcohol consumption. It's a very common condition in clinical practice. It's affect about 20% of the world population.  We care about fatty liver disease because it is one of the problem which can cause liver failure, liver cancer, and the need for live transplantation. The presence of extra fat in the liver can cause chronic irritation of the liver cells and subsequently can cause further liver damage There are three common causes of fatty liver disease, being overweight,patient's with diabetes and also patient's with high cholesterol.  Keeping in mind some people with normal body weight can have fatty liver disease. The increasing epidemic of fatty liver disease has been recently attributed to overweight and the high prevalence of diabetes. Fatty liver disease used to be a very rare condition in children. However, recently with the increasing